straight 8 2016 cannes film festival premieres - report
we screened the best 8 entries of 2016 to an audience from all over the world, and to the films’ makers who’d come from france, the uk and argentina to see their work on the big screen - strictly in line with straight 8 rules, this being the first time they'd seen their film, aside from through the viewfinder when they filmed in order with only single takes.
but not before being offered a vodka shot, served straight (naturally)

the screening was presented by straight 8 founder ed sayers & chair of the jury jason solomons. we closed with an impassioned, impromptu speech from kodak global c.m.o. steven overman who presented the filmmakers with their prizes of kodak film stock with processing and scan from cinelab london
each film was made on a single cartridge of kodak super 8 film without any editing or post-production. with dcp projection and stereo soundtracks (made before the filmmakers had seen their films) spread over the 5.1 system at cinema les arcades' 246 seater screen 1, the straight 8 films looked and sounded mighty good.
only the best 8 films from 126 entries were selected to premiere in cannes by a stellar jury (asif kapadia, ed lachman, jason solomons, pegah farahmand) - see jury + prizes
next up:
the straight 8 2016 london premieres, 6pm, 5th & 12th june, vue piccadilly
50 straight 8 films over 2 nights in a beautiful london cinema
join the filmmakers as they see their work for the first time ever
tickets and details:
with support from and massive thanks to: