straight 8

everything is super 8


over our 20 years we’ve been lucky enough to be covered by or featured in hundreds of publications, including many of Europe’s (and the world’s) top outlets.

get in touch if you’d like to cover us in your publication, we’re always happy to provide quotes and images, particularly in the build up to our annual cannes premieres.

a selection of previous coverage from over the years is linked below:

no film school 1 | 2 | nov 2018 - jul 2019

the economist - espresso | may 2019

bbc - robert elms show | aug 2018

channel 4 broadcast - random acts 1 | 2 | 3 | jul 2016

shots - 1 | 2 | 3 nov 2016 - dec 2019

little black book 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | apr 2016 - aug 2018

branding in asia 1 | 2 | dec 2017 - jun 2019

le monde | dec 2017

wired | jan 2012

electric sheep | jul 2008

promo news | may 2008

channel 4 broadcast - ‘3 minute wonders’ 1 | 2 | 3 | may 2008

digital spy / channel 5 news with philip bloom | watch coverage | oct 2007

total film / games radar | dec 2005

the guardian 1 | 2 | may 2003

if we’ve missed something that you think needs to be added to this page, just let us know! s8 x